Holding to the Truth

About Us

Our Mission and Values

Our Mission: We exist to reach people for Jesus Christ and equip them to be His devoted followers. Our Priorities: Home to the Hurting Hearts for God Hands that Serve Hope for the World Hold to the Truth Our Mandate: Spreading the Gospel of Christ is our mandate. It is our desire for all ministries of Oak Park Church to have an…

What We Believe

THE SCRIPTURES The Word of God, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is a complete and divine revelation of God to man. Its records are true and can be relied upon because it is verbally and plenarily inspired by God (II Timothy 3:16). While different men were used to write the Bible, each was empowered and controlled by the…

Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Joe Osborn and his wife Ann have been serving at Oak Park Church for over 25 years. Prior to that Joe has served at a couple other churches in various capacities. They have 5 adult children and a growing number of grandchildren. Pastor Joe’s commitment to careful study of Scripture and seeing its relevance for everyday life come clear through his…